
Encuentro de celebración cierre. Online y presencial en Montevideo.

This project is driven by 4D

The festival aims to:

  • Create a space for collective reflection and meaningful conversations that allow us to move toward an inclusive economy.
  • Raise awareness about the value of diversity and the inclusion of all aspects of nature, including human nature, in various contexts.
  • Foster inclusion through art, which serves as a vehicle for dialogue and a bridge between realities.
  • Inspire collective and personal action grounded in awareness, with the conviction that everyone has the potential to be an agent of change.

An invitation to redesign the way we live together.

The Festival’s agenda is designed based on Theory U. Rooted in over two decades of action-research at MIT, this theory provides a conceptual and methodological framework that cultivates essential leadership capacities for personal, organizational, and social transformation grounded in awareness.

It integrates cutting-edge systems thinking, social innovation, presence, art, and transformation to address the root causes of today’s social, environmental, and ontological divides, shifting from an ego-system logic to an eco-system logic.

To learn more about Theory U, click here.

How can we envision fair ways of living together, ways where everyone can thrive?​

Would you like to learn more about the Festival?

Are you interested in collaborating with the Festival?

"Any action that harms the planet or does not respect the dignity of all people is not part of development."

With this Festival, we are contributing to the SDGs.


Inclusive, equitable, and quality education.


Gender Equality.


Decent work and inclusive, sustainable economic growth.

ODS 10

Reduction of inequalities.

ODS 16

Just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.

ODS 17

Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals.



Mercedes Viola

Manuela Da Silveira

Magdalena Cosco

Mercedes Cosco

Maria Viola

Valentina Bidart

Marcela Queirolo

Dana Poklepovic

chica con pelo cobrizo sonriendo

Eloísa Peluffo

Federico Cosco

Simone Chao

Valentina Lambach

Francisco Cosco


Elizabeth Perez

Carol Perez

Andrea Fernandez

Mirna Muñoz

Mirna Muñoz

Valentina Peryera

Joaquin Viola

Malena Martínez

Rocío Schiappapietra

Bryan Taylor

Virginia Suárez

Viviana Galdames

Viviana Galdames

Dominique Hill

Sonia Laura Mora

Sonia Laura Mora

Alina Viera

Mariana Miranda

Florencia Estrade

Laura Pastorini

Ana Gomez

Maite Moreno

Dulce Nascemento

Lorena Muiño

Lorena Muiño

Incluir para Crecer 2024

For the 2024 edition, we decided to distribute the activities corresponding to each stage of the Festival's journey throughout the year, creating enough space for a self-reflective and deep process.

Festival Launch

We share with you how we co-initiated this process.

Play Video


Luciano Supervielle


Magdalena Cosco Viola

Valentina Bidart Minetti

Cuarteto de cuerdas

Matias Craciun · Clara Kruk   Leticia Gambaro · Rodrigo Riera


Manuela Da Silveira

Mercedes Viola

Sonia Laura Mora

Sonia Laura Mora

Mirna Muñoz

Mirna Muñoz

50% of the funds raised from ticket sales were allocated to the Panambí project, supported housing for individuals on the autism spectrum. More information here. 

Co-Feel, Co-Inspire, Co-Create

2nd Stage (online event)


Resonance box of voices from the global south

Thobile Chittenden

Thobile Chittenden

Wellbeing Economy Alliance


Josefina Gonzalez

Josefina González

activista transfeminista


Olga Montufar

Red de Mujeres Indígenas y Afrodescendientes con Discapacidad de América Latina y el Caribe


Vanesa Savio

Cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres


Laura Gonzalez

ASdown Colombia


Coral Herencia

Coral Herencia

Fundación Cuidemos Paraísos

Perú / Chile

Connect with the highest future potential

Ester Ortega Collado

Airea Global / Creativity Sangha


David Hasbury

Neighbours International / Creativiy Sangha

Estados Unidos

Patti Scott

Neighbours, Inc and Neighbours International / Creativity Sangha

Estados Unidos

Beth mount

Beth Mount

Graphic Futures / Creativity Sangha

Estados Unidos

Danyetta Najoli

Danyetta Najoli

Najoli Learning Group / Creativity Sangha

Estados Unidos

Kirk Hinkleman

Kirk Hinkleman

Life Works / Creativity Sangha

Estados Unidos

Education and systemic transformation panel

Mel Ainscow

Universidad de Manchester

Reino Unido

Ignacio Calderón

Universidad de Málaga


Tania Ramirez

Tania Ramirez



Ximena Sommer



Aime Apaza

Ministerio de Educación Perú


Mel Ainscow

Universidad de Manchester

Reino Unido

Ignacio Calderón

Universidad de Málaga


Tania Ramirez

Tania Ramirez



Ximena Sommer



Aime Apaza

Ministerio de Educación Perú


Work and systemic transformation panel

Maria del Pilar Dacosta Chavez

La Granja de Pili


Claudio Castaño

Claudio Castaño

Cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres


Diana Elizeche

Fundación Saraki


Amelina Sampaio



Maria del Pilar Dacosta Chavez

La Granja de Pili


Claudio Castaño

Claudio Castaño

Cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres


Diana Elizeche

Fundación Saraki





Art - Photography and the construction of subjectivities: What is the role of image creation in the historical context that shapes us?

Vera Prego


Francia / Uruguay

Alejandra Rocabado

Alejandra Rocabado


Natalia De León

Natalia De León


Bryan Taylor

Bryan Taylor


Vera Prego


Francia / Uruguay

Alejandra Rocabado

Alejandra Rocabado


Natalia De León

Natalia De León


Bryan Taylor

Bryan Taylor



Luciano Supervielle


Magdalena Cosco Viola

Valentina Bidart Minetti

Cuarteto de cuerdas

Matias Craciun · Clara Kruk   Leticia Gambaro · Rodrigo Riera


Final stage. Closing celebration gathering.


Mercedes Viola

Lorena Muiño

Valentina Lambach

Magdalena Cosco

Inclusion invites us to identify the barriers that limit dignity and prevent us from experiencing the beauty of diversity. An invitation to redesign our way of living together.


Aeropuertos Uruguay

Strategic Partnerships


Institutional Support

ÁNIMA, Formación Dual

Accompanying partners


Alianzas Estratégicas

Apoyo Institucional


Get to know us:

We are 4D Lab.

Thobile Chittenden

Thobile Chittenden 

Wellbeinc Economy Alliance

Thobile Chittenden, co-director of the Alliance for a Well-Being Economy network, is a dedicated community builder and recent speaker dedicated to community building and recent speaker. She is a nonprofit and nonprofit leader and a graduate of the Gordon Institute of Business Science’s Gordon Institute of Business Science’s Social Entrepreneurship Program with a passion for social and creative entrepreneurship.

Thobile’s part-time leadership extends to Makers Valley Partnership, a community-driven non-profit organization focused on fostering a wellness economy in Johannesburg’s inner east, from her position as CEO to becoming a member of its Board of Directors.

With 15 years of previous experience in marketing and advertising, Thobile is determined to use her knowledge in a more useful way. Her mission is to create a better future for people and the planet, advocating for a tomorrow where no one is left behind.

Born towards the end of the Apartheid era, Thobile’s multicultural upbringing, her commitment to inclusion and diversity.

In her personal life, she is a wife and mother of two boys, an extra mother to a baby girl and a doting mom to two Boxers. She is also a board member of City Kidz, an urban school in Johannesburg, and Down2Earth, a community gardening and agroecology initiative.

Josefina Gonzalez

Josefina Gonzalez

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación – UdelaR- Universidad de la República.

Maestranda en Ciencias Humanas opción Estudios Latinoamericanos, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la  Educación- UdelaR- Universidad de la República.

Activista Transfeminista

2018-2019 Una de las voceras de la Campaña Nacional por la Ley Integral para Personas Trans

Desde el año 2006 ha trabajado para el diseño, promoción e implementación de normativa y política pública que garanticen los derechos de las personas de la diversidad y disidencias, haciendo especial foco en las Personas Trans.

Olga Montufar

Rede LAC de mulheres indígenas e afrodescendentes com deficiência

Olga Montufar Conteras, mulher indígena Nahua com deficiência motora, da aldeia de San Miguel Totolapan Guerrero, Engenheira Mecânica Industrial, com Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Políticas Sociais, Fellow do Programa de Líderes Indígenas do ACNUDH, estagiária do ACNUDH no México, Qualificação em CARE, GÊNERO E DIREITOS HUMANOS Programa de Treinamento da FLACSO; Qualificação em “Educação Popular” pelo COADY INSTITUTE. Certificada pelo Sistema Interamericano e Internacional para a Proteção dos Direitos Humanos organizado pela CIDH, American University Washington College of Law; Certificada pela Agência Espanhola de Cooperação Internacional e Desenvolvimento e pelo OISS “Programa de Trabalho e Emprego para Pessoas com Deficiência na ALC; Certificada ”Programa de Especialistas em Direitos Humanos dos Povos Indígenas, Universidade de Deusto; Presidente da Rede de Mulheres Indígenas e Afrodescendentes da América Latina e do Caribe. Rede de mulheres indígenas e afrodescendentes com deficiência na ALC; Coordenadora do Grupo Conjunto de Acompanhamento do PAD-OEA 2016-2026; Coordenadora de Equipe do Coletivo de Mulheres Latino-Americanas com Deficiência; Membro da Comissão Consultiva do Programa Ibero-Americano de Deficiência (PID), Membro da MILAC – FILAC. Membro do Grupo Consultivo da Sociedade Civil (CSAG) da ONU Mulheres regional (LAC). 

Vanesa Savio

Cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres

Mãe de 5 filhos, estudante de direito, jornalismo, sociologia e enfermagem.

Desde muito jovem, trabalhou em diferentes territórios para desenvolver diversos programas de inclusão para mulheres e jovens. Ela continua a trabalhar pela inclusão social e trabalhista.

Coral Herencia

Coral Herencia

Fundação Cuidemos Paraísos

Arqueólogo de formação acadêmica. Pesquisador do conhecimento ancestral andino-amazônico. Cantora e compositora. 

Mulher, filha, esposa e defensora da Terra.

Diretora do projeto editorial do livro Agenda Mujeres Luna, co-organizadora do Encontro Intercultural Maputinkuy e Diretora de Projetos Bioculturais da Fundação Cuidemos Paraísos.

Ester Ortega

Creativity Sangha

Mãe de quatro filhos, procura a beleza do mundo no cotidiano e no diverso, no que parece ser inútil, mas que dá sentido e sensibilidade a todo o resto. Trabalha há mais de trinta anos buscando formas de tornar o mundo mais gentil, ajudando a mudar modelos mentais e práticas cotidianas. Trabalha com a inteligência e o inconsciente coletivo, usando linguagem artística e simbólica. 

Trabalhou em uma “Instituição Total”, no sentido de Goffman, de onde criou, em 2001, as oficinas de processo criativo “Enoiro” para pessoas com altas necessidades de apoio que vivem nessa instituição. Em 2007, foi cofundadora da “Debajo del Sombrero”, uma associação de arte em contextos artísticos, para pessoas com deficiência intelectual. Em 2010, ela passou a dirigir a Fundación Tuya, uma fundação criada como resultado da ratificação da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, até a modificação do Código Civil espanhol, dando ênfase especial ao papel dos contextos como potencializadores ou limitadores de direitos, então, em 2014, ela criou a AIREA, como um espaço para a construção coletiva de uma boa vida para todos, que já foi realizada vinte e três vezes em diferentes partes da Espanha e da Europa, incluindo em 2024 a primeira AIREA GLOBAL com a presença de cem pessoas de quatro continentes e doze países. Ilustrador de textos, conceitos e livros sobre inclusão.

Artista da Creativity Sanha, um grupo internacional que busca contribuir para um mundo mais compassivo e belo por meio da arte.

Ela faz parte da equipe da rede de cidadania global, Citizens Network. Ela ainda está procurando a melhor possibilidade de futuro e parece emergir em um novo conceito que a Fundación Inclusión y Apoyo Aprocor chamou de LAMISMA.

David Hasbury

Neighbours International / Creativiy Sangha

David Hasbury trabaja en Neighbours International en colaboración con Patti Scott desde 2009. Se ha centrado en el desarrollo comunitario y organizativo, y en el cambio social. Es un hábil educador y facilitador, un facilitador gráfico, y grabador gráfico, que ha trabajado con grupos centrados en la inclusión, la autodefensa, la planificación social, la vivienda y la falta de vivienda, la pobreza, la comunidad sana, las artes, y la juventud. 

David cree en la unión de las personas para reimaginar y cocrear un mundo que funcione para todos.

Sitios web:

Neighbours International –

Canal YouTube de Neighbours International –

Facebook de Neighbours International –

Café JustUs –

Podcast: Re-Creating Us (disponible en Apple, Spotify y otros podcasts)


Neighbours, Inc and Neighbours International

Patti is deeply committed to equal opportunity, and a world in which all people are included. In 1995, she cofounded Neighbours, Inc., an innovative agency that affords people with disabilities the opportunity to take control of, and direct, their own lives and the resources that support them. Over the past twenty seven years Neighbours has supported people in New Jersey and Pennsylvania in moving into their own homes, controlling their own supports and resources, and living full, rich lives as contributors in their local communities. Neighbours focuses on creating vehicles for delivering support through a variety of structures and practices: Supported Living; Brokerage; Support Coordination; Fiscal Management Services; and Agency With Choice; all driven by the principles of Self-Determination, Citizenship, Relationship and Asset Based Community Development. 

In 2009 Patti founded Neighbours, International, an organization focused on collaborative learning design, technical assistance, consulting, and facilitation of individual, agency, and systems transformation in a variety of states and countries. 

Patti is currently the Chief Executive Officer of both Neighbours. She is a faculty member of Validus Education Institute in Zagreb. 

Patti lives in NJ with her husband, and collaborator, Dave Hasbury. She loves being the proud aunt of four nieces and a nephew, and grandmother to four amazing grandkids.

Beth mount

Beth Mount

Graphic Futures

Beth Mount trabalha há cinquenta anos com o ideal de que toda pessoa com deficiência possa ser um membro valioso da vida comunitária. Seu trabalho inovador relacionado ao Planejamento de Futuros Pessoais promove os futuros e potenciais positivos de pessoas com deficiência em todo o mundo que estão trabalhando para criar comunidades mais inclusivas. Esses ativistas de inclusão global encontram maneiras criativas de buscar e ampliar o que há de bom nas pessoas e lutam juntos para construir comunidades mais amadas.

Em 1980, Beth fundou a Graphic Futures para estabelecer projetos de inovação que transformam opções para as pessoas, cultivando mudanças pessoais, comunitárias e organizacionais. Essas iniciativas são projetadas para gerar soluções organizacionais alinhadas com as prioridades das pessoas, famílias e aliados. 

Desde 1990, Beth tem se envolvido com jovens em transição nas escolas da cidade de Nova York e, ao mesmo tempo, trabalha para apoiar a inovação em organizações fornecedoras. Entre seus parceiros está a Job Path, uma agência de Nova York que oferece suporte individualizado para ajudar pessoas com deficiências a trabalhar, ser voluntárias e contribuir na vida social e cívica. Uma dessas iniciativas, “Job Path and Theory U; A collaboration using the Theory U approach to create solutions for disability inclusion in New York State”, foi selecionada como um dos dez principais exemplos do artigo “Creating Breakout Innovation”, de Joanna Levitt Cea e Jess Rimington, apresentado na Stanford Social Innovation Review de 2017.

Durante 20 anos, Beth trabalhou em todo o Estado de Nova York como consultora de Planejamento Centrado na Pessoa para o Escritório de Pessoas com Deficiências de Desenvolvimento do Estado de Nova York. Ela manteve um diálogo constante entre os formuladores de políticas e os profissionais da área por meio do Individualized Supports Think Tank. Ela desenvolveu inúmeras iniciativas para apoiar a inclusão na comunidade e projetos inovadores para suportes individualizados e autodirigidos. Iniciativas como os projetos Everyday Heroes e Make a Difference são conhecidas em todo o mundo por promover os profissionais de suporte direto como aliados, ativistas e artistas da mudança social.

A Dra. Mount é uma praticante sênior afiliada ao Presencing Institute, uma rede global de criadores de mudanças inspirados na Teoria U, apoiada pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ela e seus parceiros já organizaram mais de trinta Institutos de Liderança que facilitam a inovação por meio da integração da metodologia da Teoria U no planejamento com indivíduos, famílias, prestadores de serviços e órgãos governamentais. De 2019 a 2022, Beth atuou como consultora líder sênior, organizando 18 Institutos de Aprendizagem Centrados na Pessoa inspirados na Teoria U para o Departamento de Saúde do Estado de Nova York.

Beth usa a criatividade e as artes – colchas de histórias, gráficos, fotografia, filmes e fibras – como outras formas de ajudar as pessoas a expressar seus sonhos, comunicar seus valores e contar suas histórias. Essa criação artística individual e coletiva fortalece a escuta mais profunda, valida outras formas de conhecimento e envolve as pessoas em suas diferenças para co-criar. Ela colaborou em mais de cem publicações multimídia e obras de arte que contam a história de imaginar e implementar futuros positivos para as pessoas e suas comunidades. Esses recursos e publicações podem ser encontrados em

Danyetta Najoli

Danyetta Najoli

Najoli Learning Group / Creativity SanghA

Danyetta Najoli é do Harlem, NYC, onde cresceu na St. Nicholas Housing Authority. Ela é consultora principal no Najoli Learning Group LLC. Em sua organização, ela é uma coach de humildade cultural, autora de best-sellers da Amazon e instrutora sênior de habilidades sociais essenciais. Ela gosta de aprender e colaborar com outras pessoas, especialmente aquelas na Comunidade Beloved de serviços humanos. Danyetta apoia as pessoas a se tornarem mais fluentes culturalmente para melhorar os relacionamentos pessoais e de trabalho.

Atualmente, Danyetta treina pessoas neurodivergentes e profissionais de serviços humanos em questões que são importantes para elas. Atualmente, ela ensina as melhores práticas de humildade cultural para profissionais de saúde de NY e outros. Ela concluiu recentemente cursos de certificação em humildade cultural na UC Berkeley e educação centrada na cura no Instituto Acosta. Danyetta gosta de cantar, ler, fazer double Dutch e longas caminhadas em seu bairro. Ela é mãe de dois adolescentes e esposa de seu marido nascido no Quênia.

Kirk Hinkleman

Kirk Hinkleman

Life Works

Kirk Hinkleman é o Diretor de Design Criativo e Bem-Estar da Life Works. Tendo trabalhado na área de serviços humanos desde 1998, especificamente na Life Works desde 2007, onde Kirk conheceu sua agora parceira de negócios e co-criadora do incrível, Beth Gallagher, Kirk se encontra em um caminho de transformação. No contexto do Life Works e do sistema de serviços mais amplo, Kirk está empenhado em desmantelar estruturas, sistemas e pensamentos arcaicos no que se refere a pessoas com deficiência que encontram papéis sociais valiosos nos bairros. Kirk está convencido de que precisamos ver as pessoas através de uma lente centrada no cidadão se o que procuramos são relações reais, duradouras e sustentáveis com as pessoas.

Coautor (junto com Beth Gallagher) de “Intentional Teaming: Shifting Organizational Culture” e cocriador do Liberty Plan, Kirk está comprometido em realizar o maior potencial nas pessoas enquanto faz a pergunta de Beth Mount “O que mais é possível?” Quando questionado sobre sua missão, Kirk diz: “O primeiro passo é a conscientização. O que eu vejo? O que eu sinto? O que eu sinto? Da consciência vem a nossa capacidade de ver o que está acontecendo e fazer uma escolha. Para mim e para a Life Works como organização, a escolha é simples e importante. O que vemos é um Sistema concebido para servir a si mesmo, perpetuando o isolamento e a segregação. Optamos por não nos tornarmos isolamento e segregação. Optamos por não replicar serviços que impeçam as pessoas de viver vidas com distinção e propósito. Escolhemos liderar a partir de um futuro emergente de possibilidades, ao mesmo tempo que recorremos à nossa fonte interior de conhecimento… seguindo os nossos corações e co-criando aquilo que procuramos no mundo.

Mel Ainscow

Mel Ainscow is Emeritus Professor, University of Manchester, Professor of Education, University of Glasgow, and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology. A long-term consultant to UNESCO, he is internationally recognized as an authority on the promotion of inclusion and equity in education. His latest book, Developing Inclusive Schools: Pathways to Success, was published by Routledge in April 2024.


University of Malaga

He holds a PhD in Pedagogy, Is a Full Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Education and M.I.D.E. of the University of Malaga and a member of the Research Group Theory of Education and Social Education of the UMA. Her lines of research are located in inclusive education, fundamentally in the social nature of disability, sociocultural disadvantage and exclusion processes. Understanding research as a form of activism, he uses ethnography to study the construction of identity and educational experience, and action research as a strategy to bring about transformations. He is a member and scientific advisor to entities in the defense of the Right to Education and has collaborated with different Universities in Latin America, and with Research Groups in Education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. He has been invited to give lectures in numerous countries in Europe, America and Asia.
Tania Ramirez

Tania Ramirez


“Tania Ramírez, ativista afrofeminista antirracista. Cofundadora e membro do Movimento Afrofeminista de Mulheres e Afro Dissidentes de Mizangas, onde cresceu e trabalhou como pesquisadora, educadora-oficina e coordenadora de projetos.

Misturando arte e ativismo, é dançarina de candombe, produtora e DJ conhecida como Tania Queen.

É formada em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade da República, Uruguai (Udelar). De 2009 a 2017, atuou no serviço público, no Ministério da Educação e Cultura e no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social, especializando-se na concepção e implementação de políticas públicas e ações afirmativas.

Recentemente coordenou o projeto coletivo Horizonte de Libertades, responsável pela visita de Angela Davis ao Uruguai. Atualmente desenvolve sua dissertação de mestrado “Manitude Americana” O movimento de mulheres afro e dissidentes na América Latina e atua como consultora nacional e internacional, especializada em Direitos Humanos e Interseccionalidade.”

Ximena Sommer


Ximena Sommer é formada em Administração e Contabilidade Pública pela Universidade da República (UdelaR), com pós-graduação em Políticas Sociais.

Co-fundadora e atual diretora executiva da ÁNIMA Bachillerato Tecnológico en modalidad dual. Anteriormente, trabalhou 9 anos na Deloitte e como voluntária em vários projetos sociais, contribuindo com a gestão e o planejamento estratégico de organizações sociais.

Ximena tem dois filhos, Josefina e Mateo. Depois de vários anos de discernimento e com uma grande vocação cristã, em 2014 Ximena e mais 4 membros da equipe fundadora embarcaram no caminho da construção da ÁNIMA, uma proposta educacional que busca gerar as condições para que os jovens mais desfavorecidos tenham melhores oportunidades e se beneficiem da modalidade Dual Training.

Experiência profissional de destaque:
  • Consultor em planejamento estratégico em Organizações da Sociedade Civil.
  • Coordenador do FORMATEc – Programa de Proposta Educacional, Socialab Gerente do Departamento de
  • Consultoria de Risco | Líder em Responsabilidade Social Corporativa.

Aime Apaza


Licenciada em Psicologia pela Universidade Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, com ampla experiência em projetos educativos, investigação e políticas de educação inclusiva. Possui uma diplomatura em gestão educativa pela FLACSO (Argentina), estudos em acessibilidade e inclusão educativa pela Universidade da República (Uruguai), e uma diplomatura em deficiência pela PUCP e pela Red Iberoamericana de Expertos no CDPD.

Como consultora independente e especialista em educação inclusiva e atenção à diversidade, colabora na elaboração de ferramentas pedagógicas sobre educação inclusiva para o Ministério de Educação (Perú).

Sou autor de publicações, guias e orientações sobre deficiência, boas práticas e motivação docente, educação inclusiva e traumas do desenvolvimento neurológico.

Maria del Pilar Dacosta Chavez

La Granja de Pili

María del Pilar es una emprendedora colombiana de 52 años de edad que ha sabido conjugar su amor por la naturaleza y su espíritu emprendedor con la crianza de sus dos hijos adolescentes y el cuidado de su familia. Estudió Zootecnia en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y actualmente está por finalizar una especialización en Nutrición Animal Sostenible en la UNAD. Además, se ha capacitado en producción ecológica y sostenible, lo que la ha llevado a crear una granja familiar que no solo provee alimentos saludables, sino que también contribuye a la regeneración del ecosistema local.

La pandemia marcó un punto de inflexión en su vida, llevándola a unirse a Pro Mujer, donde descubrió su capacidad para empoderarse y generar ingresos adicionales para su hogar. Con el apoyo de Pro Mujer, María del Pilar desarrolló un pitch para su negocio, superando su miedo a no ser escuchada y demostrando su capacidad para liderar y crecer.

En su día a día, María del Pilar equilibra su rol como madre y emprendedora, buscando siempre un balance entre sus responsabilidades familiares y su pasión por el campo. Su historia es un testimonio de resiliencia, amor por la naturaleza y compromiso con el bienestar de su familia y comunidad.

Claudio Castaño

Claudio Castaño

Cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres

Socio fundador de la cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres conformada por personas q han atravesado el encierro.

La Cooperativa se desarrolla en el área textil, los servicios que prestan son: mordería, costura, diseño, bordado, estampado, etc. Desarrollan sus propios productos y también trabajan para empresas privadas del sector textil.

Diana Elizeche

Fundación Saraki

Soy paraguaya, tengo 49 años. Siempre me llamaron la atención temas sociales: soñaba con ser maestra y una cosa que me marcó la vida es ver a niños con discapacidad de mi edad salir a pedir plata en las calles y entrar a colegios diferentes al de sus hermanos. Estudié psicología y estudiando conocí a Maria José Cabezudo, presidenta de Saraki y a su hermano Carlos Armando (con Síndrome de Down) con quienes trabajo desde entonces hace 29 años en la Fundación Saraki haciendo lo que me gusta: hacer algo para que todos seamos más inclusivos y justos y así haya personas felices y realizadas en la diversidad. En todo este camino hice una hermosa familia con Mauricio, mi esposo, y mis hijos Franco y Bruna.

Amelina Sampaio


Médica egresada de la UFMG, con más de una década de experiencia, con especialidades en Psiquiatría y Medicina del Trabajo. Creadora de la ruta C.U.R.A. Profundización en Salud Mental en el Trabajo y Trastornos Mentales relacionados con el Trabajo (Instituto de Psiquiatría-USP); Facilitadora de Mindfulness (UNIFESP); formación en comunicación no violenta (The Center for Nonviolent Communication), en Estrés Traumático (Trauma Research Foundation), en tratamiento de memorias traumáticas (EMDR Institute), en Liderazgo de Ecosistemas (U-school, Presencing Institute) y en compasión; y cursos dirigidos al componente de factor humano (BOEING y CENIPA).

Vera Prego


Vera Prego es una artista de 26 años. Es francesa y uruguaya y tiene un Máster en Fotografía y Video de la Escuela Nacional Superior de las Artes Decorativas en París.

Actualmente, divide su tiempo entre París, Francia, y La Barra, Uruguay, desarrollando su práctica en ambos países. En el trabajo de Vera, el concepto de intimidad y familia es central. Captura la poesía de la vida cotidiana. Además, Vera está desarrollando «Creatura» con Sofía Supervielle, un proyecto que crea un espacio para las culturas contemporáneas latinoamericanas a través de una revista y exposiciones.

Alejandra Rocabado

Alejandra Rocabado

Alejandra Rocabado (Bolívia, 1987) criadora nas artes visuais: design gráfico e fotografia, conhecida por seu trabalho em resistência, feminismo, migração, anticolonial, identidade e território, com ênfase em minorias.

Como fotojornalista na Bolívia, ela foi indicada para o Joop Swart Masterclass da World Press Photo Foundation em 2015 e 2016.

Reside em Espanha onde obteve o mestrado em criação e produção fotográfica. Fundador e ex-membro da Mimtaq Ediciones, plataforma de criação coletiva que apoia fotógrafos migrantes em Barcelona. Também participou do sindicato SINDIHOGAR, utilizando a fotografia para apoiar a luta das mulheres trabalhadoras domésticas contra o racismo institucional. Seus projetos foram publicados e exibidos em diversos países, incluindo Bolívia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Espanha, França, Grécia e Alemanha.

Natalia De León

Natalia De Leon

Artista visual, investigadora y docente en la Escuela Universitaria de Diseño de la Universidad de la República en Uruguay (Udelar). Licenciada en Artes en Université Paris VIII y licenciada en Comunicación en la UdelaR. 

Desde el 2009 es parte del Laboratorio de Cine de la Fundación de Arte Contemporáneo, donde desarrolla su trabajo de investigación experimental y de pensamiento en torno a la resistencia de las imágenes hegemónicas. En 2016 funda la Colectiva COCO en Uruguay, desde donde produce y coordina proyectos artísticos y de investigación, educación y acción sobre arte y género.  Ha publicado dos libros, Notas de un Contrarchivo y desde COCO, RIP, una crítica desde el feminismo decolonial al arte en Uruguay, y artículos en Revista Conceptos de la UMSA y el Seminario de la Bienal de Porto Alegre 2020, así como muchos artículos en revistas especializadas en arte y fotografía.

Desde el 2009 participa en muestras y acciones artísticas nacionales e internacionales, charlas, seminarios y festivales. Participó en los premios Paul Cézanne 2014, 2018 y 2020, en el Premio Nacional de Artes Visuales 2014 y 2024 y en el premio Montevideo en 2023. En 2018 obtuvo una mención en la primera edición del Premio Nacional de Fotografía del CdF y el MEC, del cual fue jurado en 2022.

Bryan Taylor

Bryan Taylor

Bryan Taylor es un fotógrafo y activista colombiano. Nació y vive en Buenaventura, una ciudad costera de la región del Pacífico. A través de su obra, busca plasmar la cultura, las vivencias, las tradiciones y la vida cotidiana de su territorio, parándose desde la idea del arte como vía de cambio social. Parte fundamental de su propósito es acercar a la población local joven al arte y estimular el desarrollo del potencial creativo de sus pares.

Josefina Gonzalez

Josefina Gonzalez

Degree in Communication Sciences – UdelaR- Universidad de la República.

Master in Human Sciences, option Latin American Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences – UdelaR- University of the Republic.

Transfeminist Activist

2018-2019 One of the spokespersons of the National Campaign for the Integral Law for Trans People.

Since 2006 she has worked for the design, promotion and implementation of regulations and public policy that guarantee the rights of people of diversity and dissidence, with a special focus on Trans People.

Olga Montufar

Network of indigenous and Afro-descendant women with disabilities in LAC

Olga Montufar Conteras, indigenous Nahua woman with motor disabilities, originally from the town of San Miguel Totolapan Guerrero, Industrial Mechanical Engineer, with a master’s degree in Social Policy Development, Fellow of the Indigenous Leaders Program of the OHCHR, intern of the OHCHR in Mexico, Degree in CARE, GENDER AND HUMAN RIGHTS Training Program of FLACSO; Degree in “Popular Education” by COADY INSTITUTE. Certified by the Inter-American and International System for the Protection of Human Rights organized by the IACHR, American University Washington College of Law; Certified by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development and the OISS “Program work and employment of people with disabilities in LAC; Certified ”Expert Program in Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, University of Deusto; Pdte. Network of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Women with Disabilities in LAC; Coordinator of the Joint Follow-up Group of the PAD- OAS 2016-2026; Team Coordinator of the Collective of Latin American Women with Disabilities; Member of the Advisory Committee of the Ibero-American Disability Program (PID), Member of MILAC – FILAC. Member of the Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) of the regional UN Women (LAC). 

Vanesa Savio

Cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres

Mother of 5 children, student of law, journalism, sociology and nursing.

From a young age she worked in territories to develop different inclusion programs for women and youth. She continues to work for social and labor inclusion.

Coral Herencia

Coral Herencia

Fundación Cuidemos Paraísos

Archaeologist by academic training. Researcher of Andean-Amazonian ancestral knowledge. Singer and composer. 

Woman, daughter, wife and defender of the Earth.

Director of the editorial project of the book Agenda Mujeres Luna, co-organizer of the Maputinkuy Intercultural Encounter and Director of Biocultural projects at the Cuidemos Paraísos Foundation.

Ester Ortega

Creativity Sangha

Mother of four children who seeks the beauty of the world in the everyday and in the diverse, in that which seems to be useless, but which gives meaning and sensitivity to everything else. She has been working for more than thirty years looking for ways to make the world kinder, helping to change mental models and daily practices. He works with intelligence and the collective unconscious, using artistic and symbolic language. 

She worked in “”Total Institution“” in Goffman’s sense, from where she created in 2001 “”Enoiro“” creative process workshops for people with great support needs living in that institution. In 2007 she co-founded “”Debajo del Sombrero“”, an association of art in artistic contexts, for people with intellectual disabilities. In 2010 she went on to direct Tuya Foundation, foundation that is created following the ratification of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities , until the amendment of the Spanish Civil Code, with special emphasis on the role of contexts as enhancers or limiters of Rights, so in 2014 she creates AIREA, as a space for collective construction of good living for all, has already twenty-three editions in different parts of Spain and Europe, including in 2024 the first AIREA GLOBAL with the presence of one hundred people from four continents and twelve countries. Illustrator of texts, concepts and books on inclusion.

Artist of Creativity Sanha, an international group that seeks to contribute to a more compassionate and beautiful world through art.

She is part of the team of the global citizenship network, Citizens Network. She continues to search for the best future possibility and seems to emerge in a new concept that the Fundación Inclusión y Apoyo Aprocor has called LAMISMA.

David Hasbury

Neighbours International / Creativiy Sangha

David Hasbury has worked at Neighbours International in collaboration with Patti Scott since 2009. He has focused on community and organizational development, and social change. He is a skilled educator and facilitator, a graphic facilitator, and graphic recorder, who has worked with groups focused on inclusion, self-advocacy, social planning, housing and homelessness, poverty, healthy community, arts, and youth. 

David believes in people coming together to reimagine and co-create a world that can work for all.


Neighbours International –

Neighbours International YouTube Channel –

Neighbours International Facebook –

JustUs Cafe –

Podcast: Re-Creating Us (available on Apple, Spotify, and other podcast outlets)

Beth mount

Beth Mount

Graphic Futures

Beth Mount has worked for fifty years toward the ideal that every person with a disability can be a valued member of community life. Her groundbreaking work related to Personal Futures Planning promotes the positive futures and potentials of people with disabilities throughout the world who are working to create more inclusive communities. These global inclusion activists find creative ways to search for and amplify the good in people and grapple together to build more beloved communities.

In 1980, Beth founded Graphic Futures to establish innovation projects that transform options for people by cultivating personal, community and organizational change. These initiatives are designed to generate organizational solutions that are aligned with the priorities of the people, families and allies. 

Since 1990, Beth has been engaged with young people in transition from New York City schools while also working to support innovation in provider organizations. Among her partners is Job Path, a NYC agency that provides individualized supports to help people with disabilities work, volunteer, and contribute in social and civic life. One such initiative, “Job Path and Theory U; A collaboration using the Theory U approach to create solutions for disability inclusion in New York State,” was selected as one of the top ten examples of “Creating Breakout Innovation” article by Joanna Levitt Cea and Jess Rimington featured in the 2017 Stanford Social Innovation Review.

For 20 years, Beth worked across New York State as a Person-Centered Planning consultant to New York State’s Office of People with Developmental Disabilities. She maintained a steady dialogue between policy makers and those on the ground through the Individualized Supports Think Tank. She developed countless initiatives to support community inclusion and innovative designs for individualized, self directed supports. Initiatives such as Everyday Heroes and Make a Difference projects are known throughout the world for advancing direct support professionals as allies, activists, and artists of social change.

Dr. Mount is a Senior Practitioner affiliated with the Presencing Institute, a global network of Theory U inspired change makers supported by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She and her partners have hosted more than thirty Leadership Institutes that facilitate innovation by integrating the Theory U methodology into planning with individuals, families, service providers, and government agencies. During 2019 to 2022 Beth is serving as the senior lead consultant hosting 18 Theory U inspired Person Centered Learning Institutes for the New York State Department of Health.

Beth uses creativity and the arts—story quilts, graphics, photography, film, and fiber—as other ways to help people to express their dreams, communicate their values, and tell their stories. This individual and collective art making strengthens deeper listening, validates other ways of knowing, and engages people across difference to co-create. She has collaborated on more than one hundred multimedia publications and artworks that tell the story of imagining and implementing positive futures for people and their communities. These resources and publications are found at

Danyetta Najoli

Danyetta Najoli

Najoli Learning Group / Creativity SanghA

Danyetta Najoli is from Harlem, NYC where she grew up in St. Nicholas Housing Authority.  She is principal consultant at Najoli Learning Group LLC. Within her organization she is a cultural humility coach, Amazon best-selling author, and senior trainer of essential soft skills. She enjoys learning alongside and collaborating with others, especially those in the human services Beloved Community. Danyetta supports people to become more culturally fluent for improved personal and working relationships.

Currently, Danyetta coaches neurodivergent people and human services workers around issues that are important to them.  She currently teaches cultural humility best practices to NY-based health professionals and others. She recently completed certificate courses in cultural humility at UC Berkeley and healing centered education at the Acosta Institute. Danyetta enjoys singing, reading, double Dutch, and long walks in her neighborhood. She is the mom of two teenagers nd wife of her Kenyan-born husband.

Kirk Hinkleman

Kirk Hinkleman

Life Works

Kirk Hinkleman is the Director of Creative Design and Well-Being at Life Works. Having worked in the human services field since 1998, with Life Works specifically since 2007, where Kirk met his now business partner and co-creator of awesome, Beth Gallagher, Kirk finds himself on a transformational path. Within the context of Life Works and the greater service system, Kirk is committed to dismantling archaic structures, systems and thinking as it pertains to people who experience disabilities finding valued social roles in neighborhoods. Kirk is convinced we need to view people through a citizen-centered lens if what we are looking for is real, lasting and sustainable relationships with people.

Co-author (along with Beth Gallagher) of “Intentional Teaming: Shifting Organizational Culture”, and Co-Creator of Liberty Plan, Kirk is committed to realizing the highest potential in people while asking Beth Mount’s question “What More Is Possible?” When asked about his mission, Kirk says: “The first step is awareness. What do I see? What do I sense? What do I feel? From awareness comes our ability to see what is happening and make a choice. For myself, and Life Works as an organization, the choice is simple and important. What we see is a System designed to serve itself, perpetuating isolation and segregation. We choose not to become isolation and segregation. We choose not to replicate services precluding people from living lives of distinction and purpose. We choose to lead from an emerging future of possibility, while tapping into our inner source of knowing…following our hearts and co-creating that which we seek in the world.

Tania Ramirez

Tania Ramirez


“Tania Ramírez, Afrofeminist anti-racist activist. Co-founder and member of Mizangas Afrofeminist Movement of Women and Afro Dissidents, where she has grown and has worked as a researcher, educator-workshop facilitator and project coordinator.

Mixing art and activism, she is a candombe dancer, producer and DJ known as Tania Queen.

She has a degree in International Relations from the University of the Republic, Uruguay (Udelar). From 2009 to 2017, she worked in the public service, in the Ministry of Education and Culture and in the Ministry of Social Development, specializing in the design and implementation of public policies and affirmative actions.

She recently coordinated the collective project Horizonte de Libertades, responsible for Angela Davis’ visit to Uruguay. Currently, she is developing her Master’s thesis “Amefrican Manitude” The movement of women and Afro dissidents in Latin America and works as a national and international consultant. international, specialized in Human Rights and Intersectionality.”

Ximena Sommer


Ximena Sommer has a degree in Administration and Public Accounting from the Universidad de la República (UdelaR), with a postgraduate degree in Social Policies.

Co-founder and current Executive Director of ÁNIMA Bachillerato Tecnológico en modalidad dual. Previously she worked 9 years at Deloitte and as a volunteer in several social projects, contributing from the management and strategic planning of social organizations.

Ximena has two children, Josefina and Mateo. After several years of discernment and with a great Christian vocation, in 2014 Ximena and 4 more members of the founding team undertook the path of building ÁNIMA, an educational proposal that seeks to generate the conditions for the most disadvantaged young people to have better opportunities and benefit from the Dual Training modality.

Outstanding work experience:
  • Consultant in strategic planning in Civil Society Organizations.
  • Coordinator of the FORMATEc Program – Educational Proposal, Socialab
  • Manager of the Risk Consultancy Department, Leader in Corporate Social Responsibility.

Aime Apaza


Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, with extensive experience in educational projects, research and inclusive education policies. She holds a diploma in educational management from FLACSO (Argentina), studies in educational accessibility and inclusion from the Universidad de la República (Uruguay), and a diploma in Disability from the PUCP and the Red Iberoamericana de Expertos en la CDPD.

As an independent consultant and specialist in inclusive education and diversity care, she collaborates in the development of pedagogical tools on inclusive education for the Ministry of Education (Perú).

I am the author of publications, guides and guidance on disability, good practices and teacher motivation, inclusive education and neurodevelopmental disruptions.

Maria del Pilar Dacosta Chavez

La Granja de Pili

María del Pilar is a 52-year-old Colombian entrepreneur who has been able to combine her love for nature and her entrepreneurial spirit with raising her two teenage children and caring for her family. She studied Animal Husbandry at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and is currently finishing a specialization in Sustainable Animal Nutrition at UNAD. In addition, she has been trained in ecological and sustainable production, which has led her to create a family farm that not only provides healthy food, but also contributes to the regeneration of the local ecosystem.

The pandemic marked a turning point in her life, leading her to join Pro Mujer, where she discovered her ability to empower herself and generate additional income for her household. With Pro Mujer’s support, María del Pilar developed a pitch for her business, overcoming her fear of not being heard and demonstrating her ability to lead and grow.

In her day-to-day life, María del Pilar balances her role as mother and entrepreneur, always seeking a balance between her family responsibilities and her passion for the field. Her story is a testimony of resilience, love for nature and commitment to the well-being of her family and community.

Claudio Castaño

Claudio Castaño

Cooperativa Hombres y Mujeres Libres

Founding member of the cooperative Hombres y Mujeres Libres formed by people who crossed the threshold.

The Cooperative operates in the textile area, with the services it provides: tailoring, sewing, design, embroidery, printing, etc. He develops his own products and also works for private companies in the textile sector.

Diana Elizeche

Saraki Foundation

I am Paraguayan, I am 49 years old. I have always been interested in social issues: I dreamed of being a teacher and one thing that has left its mark on me is seeing disabled children my age going out to ask for money on the streets and going to schools other than their siblings. I studied psychology and while studying I met Maria José Cabezudo, president of Saraki and her brother Carlos Armando (with Down Syndrome) with whom I have worked since then for 29 years at the Saraki Foundation doing what I like: doing something so that we are all more inclusive and fair and so that there are happy and fulfilled people in diversity. Throughout this journey I have made a beautiful family with Mauricio, my husband, and my children Franco and Bruna.

Amelina Sampaio


Physician graduated from UFMG, with more than a decade of experience, with specialties in Psychiatry and Occupational Medicine. Creator of the C.U.R.A. route. Deepening in Mental Health at Work and Work-Related Mental Disorders (Institute of Psychiatry-USP); Mindfulness Facilitator (UNIFESP); training in non-violent communication (The Center for Nonviolent Communication), in Traumatic Stress (Trauma Research Foundation), in treatment of traumatic memories (EMDR Institute), in Ecosystem Leadership (U-school, Presencing Institute) and in compassion; and courses directed to the human factor component (BOEING and CENIPA).

Vera Prego


Vera Prego is a 26-year-old artist. She is French and Uruguayan and holds a Master’s degree in Photography and Video from the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris.

Currently, she divides her time between Paris, France, and La Barra, Uruguay, developing her practice in both countries. In Vera’s work, the concept of intimacy and family is central. She captures the poetry of everyday life. In addition, Vera is developing “Creatura” with Sofia Supervielle, a project that creates a space for contemporary Latin American cultures through a magazine and exhibitions.

Alejandra Rocabado

Alejandra Rocabado

Alejandra Rocabado (Bolivia, 1987) is a creator in the visual arts: graphic design and photography, known for her work on resistance, feminism, migration, anticolonial, identity, and territory, with an emphasis on minorities.

As a photojournalist in Bolivia, she was nominated for the Joop Swart Masterclass of the World Press Photo Foundation in 2015 and 2016.

She lives in Spain where she obtained a master’s degree in photographic creation and production. Founder and former member of Mimtaq Ediciones, a collective creation platform that supports migrant photographers in Barcelona. She has also participated in the SINDIHOGAR union, using photography to support the struggle of women domestic workers against institutional racism. Her projects have been published and exhibited in several countries, including Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Spain, France, Greece and Germany.

Natalia De León

Natalia De Leon

Visual artist, researcher and teacher at the University School of Design of the University of the Republic in Uruguay (Udelar). Graduated in Arts from Université Paris VIII and graduated in Communication from UdelaR.

Since 2009 she has been part of the Film Laboratory of the Foundation for Contemporary Art, where she develops her experimental research and thinking work around the resistance of hegemonic images. In 2016 she founded the Colectiva COCO in Uruguay, from where she produces and coordinates artistic and research, education and action projects on art and gender. She has published two books, Notes from a Counterarchive and from COCO, RIP, a critique from decolonial feminism to art in Uruguay, and articles in Revista Conceptos of the UMSA and the Seminar of the Porto Alegre Biennial 2020, as well as many articles in specialized art and photography magazines.

Since 2009, he has participated in national and international art exhibitions and events, talks, seminars and festivals. He participated in the Paul Cézanne Awards in 2014, 2018 and 2020, in the National Visual Arts Award in 2014 and 2024 and in the Montevideo Award in 2023. In 2018 he received a mention in the first edition of the National Photography Award of the CdF and the MEC, of which he was a jury member in 2022.

Bryan Taylor

Bryan Taylor

Bryan Taylor is a Colombian photographer and activist. He was born and lives in Buenaventura, a coastal city in the Pacific region. Through his work, he seeks to capture the culture, experiences, traditions and daily life of his territory, based on the idea of art as a means of social change. A fundamental part of its purpose is to bring the young local population closer to art and stimulate the development of the creative potential of their peers.

Cecilia de los Santos

Cecilia de los Santos

Cecilia de los Santos is a musician, arranger, composer, vocal coach and exquisite performer. She has been trained both in the field of academic music at the University of the Republic, and in popular music at the South Conservatory.

She has been teaching since 2016, a path that has led her to research and delve deeply into the world of the singing voice.

As a singer and arranger, she has participated in many projects in the music scene of Rio de Janeiro, performing on stages in Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain and South Korea.

She oversees the musical direction of the women’s choir “Panambí”, and with two duo projects with the musicians Maximiliano Nathan and Érika González.

Lorena Muiño

Lorena Muiño

She has a degree in Marketing and Ontological Coach with more than 14 years of experience in the area within Unilever.

Impact Business Partner for New Economies, she is part of the Gemma, 3Vectores and O+H teams to work on various social and environmental impact issues.

Endeavor Mentor for companies seeking a positive impact.

Mentor in Socialab’s Zebras program.

Member of “League of intrapreneurs” in Uruguay.

B Consultant for Sistema B Uruguay.

Dana Poklepovic

PhD in Modern Languages, Ontological Coach and Certified Neuroscience Coach, Communication Skills and Soft Skills Trainer and Translator.

She has been working for national and international companies in Argentina, Chile and New York for over 20 years. She works as a coach for middle and senior management.

For the last 5 years, she has dedicated herself to raising awareness about the inclusion of people with disabilities in education and the job market. She does this through interactive workshops and coaching. She actively collaborates with the Desear Escuchar Foundation, training parents of hearing-impaired children and hearing-impaired adults.

She is a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the International Coaching Federation.

Sabina Lobato

With a degree in Economic Sciences and a Master’s in Business Management, Sabina has 25 years of experience in different positions in the disability sector linked to the ONCE social group.

She is currently the Director of Training and Employment, Operations and Agreements of Fundación ONCE and General Director of Inserta Empleo.

Throughout her career, she has promoted and launched numerous successful projects related to the training and employment of people with disabilities. She has been the main promoter of ODISMET, an Observatory that offers up-to-date statistics on the situation of people with disabilities in Spain in relation to the labor market, with the support of the European Social Fund and in priority collaboration with the INE.

She is Director of the Higher Statistics Council (advisory body of the public statistics institution in Spain) as well as Chair of the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR), a European network of service providers for people with disabilities.

Valentina Bidart Minetti

Dancer, Teacher and Scenic Creator.

Reichian Body Therapist and Yoga Instructor. She enables processes of creation in Education and teaches Contemporary Dance classes, as well as ballet and yoga. She is a teacher in the “Espacio de Desarrollo Armónico” for two decades, member of the del “Grupo Espacio De Artes Escénicas” as a multidisciplinary artist for a decade, both spaces directed by Graciela Figueroa. She is a teacher at the “Escuela Departamental De Danza de Maldonado” and co-creator of the “Estudio de Danza y Artes Del Movimiento Miralejos”.

Along with her teaching work, she delivers workshops on artistic deepening and therapy. She participates, collaborates and promotes stage creation processes, as a dancer, performer and choreographer, from the interpretation and the direction.

Roman Cuyer

Paraguayan, 30 years old, Public Accountant and Engineer in Agroindustries, specialist in Governance, Political Management and Public Management. Experience in the economic empowerment of youth, working on projects in rural and urban contexts with populations in vulnerable situations, currently, Manager of the Entrepreneurship area of the Foundation from where various projects are coordinated with components aimed at the formation of entrepreneurial skills, the development of enterprises and their strengthening, with special emphasis on the economic inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.

Mercedes Cosco

1995, Montevideo, Uruguay. Photographer, writer and audiovisual producer. After graduating with a degree in Audiovisual Communication in Montevideo, she began her studies in author photography in Barcelona. She then developed his first personal photographic project “How to live with things I cannot control”. After this project, she began her formal exploration of the intersection between photography and poetic writing, especially applied to personal narrative.

Screenwriter and director of nina & emma, a film that will be released in 2023. Co-author of the book Como gato entre lineas, an anthology of emerging Uruguayan writers.

Teacher of the Diario Intimo workshop, where daily life is worked as creative raw material for artistic channeling in writing and photography.

Jueves 26 de mayo


Desde uno de los auditorios icónicos del Uruguay, el Sodre, estaremos realizando un espectáculo de danza con las bailarinas Magdalena Cosco y Valentina Bidart, acompañado con la música de Luciano Supervielle.

Luego nos separaremos en grupos pequeños para conocernos mejor.

Luciano Supervielle



4D Lab



Sábado 28 de mayo


Te veo y me veo

Facilitan: Maria Paola Avilan Rey y Daniel Noriega

Circulo de humor y amor

Facilita: Manuela da Silveira Baliño

Resiliencia Colectiva

Facilita: Vladimir Marín Durán

Diseño inclusivo

Facilita:Tatiana Rigos Vera

Proyecto de vida y neurodiversidad

Facilita: Jimena Quintero Trillos


Facilitan: Miguel Cereceda Jolkiewsky y Verónica Linardi Massons

Taller de Arte

Facilitan: Ambar Wells, Magdalena Cosco, Sarah Gerosa.

Acompañan: Milena Ríos, Luis Gerosa, Carol Pérez

Proyecto de vida y neurodiversidad

Facilita: Jimena Quintero Trillos


Facilitan: Miguel Cereceda Jolkiewsky y Verónica Linardi Massons

Taller de Arte

Facilitan: Ambar Wells, Magdalena Cosco, Sarah Gerosa.

Acompañan: Milena Ríos, Luis Gerosa, Carol Pérez

Viernes 27 de mayo


Incluir la emoción

Facilita: Magela Grisoni

Reflejos del Barro

Facilita: Josefina Pezzino

Scribing como herramienta para vernos

Facilita: Andrea Fernández

Taller de Canto

Facilitan: Agustina Quagliotti y Pilar Etcheverry

Conexión y calma

Facilita: Tamara Farré

Comunicar desde la Esencia

Facilita: Eli Rabelo

Técnicas de tejido aplicadas a la bisutería

Facilita: Silvana Margarita Escobar Martínez

Conexión y calma

Facilita: Tamara Farré

Comunicar desde la Esencia

Facilita: Eli Rabelo

Técnicas de tejido aplicadas a la bisutería

Facilita: Silvana Margarita Escobar Martínez

Sábado 28 de mayo



Luciano Supervielle





Jueves 26 de mayo

Espacio de conversación: educación



Uni. de Málaga


Asdown Colombia



Ayudaron a construir este espacio:

Sábado 28 de mayo

Espacio de conversación: emprendedurismo



Org. Internacional del Trabajo


Fundación Saraki


Grupo Social Once

Ayudaron a construir este espacio:

Viernes 27 de mayo

Espacio de conversación: trabajo



Org. Internacional del Trabajo

Elizeche Almeida

Fundación Saraki


Grupo Social Once

Ayudaron a construir este espacio:

Viernes 27 de mayo

Hacia una Economía Inclusiva



4D Lab

Viola Deambrosis

4D Lab


Presencing Institute


CO Consulting - Coherencia Organizacional


Wellbeing Economy Alliance



Chavez Penillas



4D Lab

Viola Deambrosis

4D Lab


Presencing Institute


CO Consulting - Coherencia Organizacional


Wellbeing Economy Alliance



Chavez Penillas


Jueves 26 de mayo

Apertura – comenzamos el festival juntos y juntas

  • 18 a 20 URY– ARG – BRA
  • 17 a 19 – PRY – BOL –VEN – CHL
  • 16 a 18 – PER – ECU- COL – MEX
  • 15 a 17 – NIC – GTM – SLV
  • 22 a 24 – EU


4D Lab

Magda is 23 years old. She is in the fourth year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Contemporary Dance at the Faculty of Arts. She is the first Uruguayan university student with Down Syndrome. She has been dancing since she was 7 years old. She is a Zumba instructor.

Dancer in the play El Hilo Rojo of the National Ballet of SODRE and PRIMOR

An activist for the rights of women with disabilities, she has done commercials and modeled.

She works as an illustrator at 4D Lab.

Together with the dancer Valentina Bidart, they choreographed a video clip by the Uruguayan musician, Luciano Supervielle. This video was shown at a Gala performance by dancer Julio Bocca – VIDEO


4D Lab

Founding director of 4D Lab. Co-founder of ProEdu Inclusive Education in Quality and D Alliance that work for the inclusion of people with disabilities in education and in the working environment.

Co-coordinator of the Working Group on Inclusive Education and the Alliance of Organizations for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Member of the Regional Network for Inclusive Education and Inclusion International.

Co-president of Sistema B, Uruguay.

Member of the digital committee of IATEFL (2012-2020) and the online committee of IATEFL BESIG (2010-2020)

She gives national and international conferences.

Speaker at the TEDx event “Education Includes Us All“.


Presencing Institute 

Laura is a Social and Visual Anthropologist, Master in Mental Health for Social Sciences, with studies in Semiotics, Linguistics, Phenomenology and Epistemology. Specialist, trainer and international reference in different Systemic approaches for Human Development, with more than 30 years of experience

She works internationally as a Consultant and Facilitator of personal, organizational and social transformation processes, Coach, Teacher and Academic Researcher. She is part of the Strategic Team of the Presencing Institute (PI), founded and directed by Otto Sharmer (Mit Senior Lecturer), representing and disseminating the work of U Theory and Social Presence Theater (TPS) in Latin America (as a team leader), Spain and Germany.



Ana settled in her home country of Spain to be part of the WEAll team, after many years of travelling the world. During those years she worked on sustainable livelihood and ecological conservation projects from Nepal, New Zealand and Vancouver Island.

Previously, she worked as head of Exchange Programs at Centro Cultural de Idiomas.

Since the birth of WEAll in 2018, she has been the Network Coordinator and has managed to make more than 400 individuals and organizations part of it, which has gone from 1 WEAll Hub, that of Scotland, to 18 Hubs in different countries of the world, and that in the WEAll Citizens platform there are more than 3000 citizens from all over the world. It has not been only for their work but a combination of joint work of the amplifier equipment and all the people who are part of WEAll.


Cities CAN B

Architect, painter, co-creator of 4 companies and 4 social movements, former Executive Director of Sistema B Chile today co-leader of Ciudades+B and co-author of 6 books on collaborative ecosystems.


United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
He has been the Human Rights and Disability Advisor to the Geneva-based Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights since 2013. He is a lawyer with postgraduate studies in commercial law and human rights law. Prior to his current role, Facundo worked in the Disability Department of the Ombudsman’s Office of the City of Buenos Aires in Argentina and in a corporate law firm. He was a member of organizations of persons with disabilities at the national, regional and international levels before working for the United Nations.


Once Social Group

Responsible for International Programs of the ONCE Social Group since 2017, a position from which she exercises the Technical Secretariat of the Ibero-American Disability Program, as well as the coordination of technical assistance in disability policies for the EUROsociAL+ Program and the partnership strategy with international organizations, among other functions.

She has a degree in International Relations, a Degree in Communication Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Marketing from the University of the Republic (Uruguay). She holds a Specialization Diploma in Social Management and Disability Policies from FLACSO Chile and a Specialization Diploma in International Cooperation for Development from the AECID (Spain).

She had previously been Executive Director of the Latin American Union of the Blind, a regional organization representing the visually impaired in 19 countries.


Senior Disability Specialist, International Labour Organization
Since August 2013, Senior Disability Specialist in the International Labour Organization. Between 2008 and 2013, Executive Director of the International Disability Alliance between 1999 and 2004, Director of the European Disability Forum (EDF). Was actively involved in the negotiation process of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2002-2006).

Ronald Sistek

CO Consulting – Organizational Coherence
He is currently CEO of CO COnsulting – Organizational Coherence, is Director of Grupo 180 Grados, is a researcher on issues of collaboration, applied complexity and ecosocial regeneration; he is a professor at the Entrepreneurship Center of the Austral University of Chile and the Master’s Degree in Human Scale Development and Ecological Economics. He is Co-founder of the IncubaR program – Incubator of regenerative projects; founder of the program The Patterns that Connect – a training for the circularity between making sense and constructing meaning in contexts of uncertainty and complexity. He has been a consultant for 15 years in cultural transformation and bioinspired structures.

Mónica Alexandra Cortés Avilés

Asdown Colombia

Graduated in Languages from the Industrial University of Santander, she has been working since 2008 as executive director of Asdown Colombia, a Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to promoting the rights and inclusion in society of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

She is recognized as an expert on issues of inclusive education, recognition of legal capacity and empowerment of families and people with disabilities in Colombia.

She is a member and founder of the Regional Network for Inclusive Education in Latin America, Inclusion International and RIADIS, with whom she has carried out research, communication campaigns and documents on the best way to achieve education for all, including children and girls with disabilities nationally and internationally.

Luciano Supervielle

Luciano Supervielle is a Uruguayan-French musician, composer, producer and DJ. In addition to his work as a soloist, he is also known for being part of the neotango collective Bajofondo.
