2020 Edition

1st Latin American Symposium on Disability Enriching Business and Education

The first edition of Incluir para Crecer aimed to inspire, offer tools and examples of good practices to make the labor and educational inclusion of people with disabilities more successful.

To change patterns and cultures, it is necessary to learn from other people, communities and organizations that have already done so and that show us that change is possible and beneficial, even if we feel the challenges.

It was structured in three blocks:

Inspirational talks framing inclusion in education and the workplace from an ethical and regulatory point of view, with top international speakers in both fields.

Simultaneously, in different rooms, regional best practices in education and labor were shared.

Inclusive Education

Moderator: Manuela Da Silveira

Labor Inclusion

Moderator: Gustavo Rey

Public Policy Panel

Moderators: Natalia Guala Beathyate, Grupo Social ONCE, Spain

The event also included a cultural proposal to accompany and enrich the experience.

Special thanks to Malena Pozzobon, Argentine journalist and Natalia Oreiro, Uruguayan singer.

The event was held on the basis of an inclusive and solidarity economy based on the principles of equity and economic fraternity; 30% of the participants received scholarships. We want everyone to be able to participate and no one to be left behind.







Naciones Unidas
Sistema B


Media Partners

Declaration of Ministerial Interest








Naciones Unidas
Sistema B


Media Partners:

Declaration of Ministerial Interest


Cecilia de los Santos

Cecilia de los Santos

Cecilia de los Santos is a musician, arranger, composer, vocal coach and exquisite performer. She has been trained both in the field of academic music at the University of the Republic, and in popular music at the South Conservatory.

She has been teaching since 2016, a path that has led her to research and delve deeply into the world of the singing voice.

As a singer and arranger, she has participated in many projects in the music scene of Rio de Janeiro, performing on stages in Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain and South Korea.

She oversees the musical direction of the women’s choir “Panambí”, and with two duo projects with the musicians Maximiliano Nathan and Érika González.

Lorena Muiño

Lorena Muiño

She has a degree in Marketing and Ontological Coach with more than 14 years of experience in the area within Unilever.

Impact Business Partner for New Economies, she is part of the Gemma, 3Vectores and O+H teams to work on various social and environmental impact issues.

Endeavor Mentor for companies seeking a positive impact.

Mentor in Socialab’s Zebras program.

Member of “League of intrapreneurs” in Uruguay.

B Consultant for Sistema B Uruguay.

Dana Poklepovic

PhD in Modern Languages, Ontological Coach and Certified Neuroscience Coach, Communication Skills and Soft Skills Trainer and Translator.

She has been working for national and international companies in Argentina, Chile and New York for over 20 years. She works as a coach for middle and senior management.

For the last 5 years, she has dedicated herself to raising awareness about the inclusion of people with disabilities in education and the job market. She does this through interactive workshops and coaching. She actively collaborates with the Desear Escuchar Foundation, training parents of hearing-impaired children and hearing-impaired adults.

She is a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the International Coaching Federation.

Sabina Lobato

With a degree in Economic Sciences and a Master’s in Business Management, Sabina has 25 years of experience in different positions in the disability sector linked to the ONCE social group.

She is currently the Director of Training and Employment, Operations and Agreements of Fundación ONCE and General Director of Inserta Empleo.

Throughout her career, she has promoted and launched numerous successful projects related to the training and employment of people with disabilities. She has been the main promoter of ODISMET, an Observatory that offers up-to-date statistics on the situation of people with disabilities in Spain in relation to the labor market, with the support of the European Social Fund and in priority collaboration with the INE.

She is Director of the Higher Statistics Council (advisory body of the public statistics institution in Spain) as well as Chair of the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR), a European network of service providers for people with disabilities.

Valentina Bidart Minetti

Dancer, Teacher and Scenic Creator.

Reichian Body Therapist and Yoga Instructor. She enables processes of creation in Education and teaches Contemporary Dance classes, as well as ballet and yoga. She is a teacher in the “Espacio de Desarrollo Armónico” for two decades, member of the del “Grupo Espacio De Artes Escénicas” as a multidisciplinary artist for a decade, both spaces directed by Graciela Figueroa. She is a teacher at the “Escuela Departamental De Danza de Maldonado” and co-creator of the “Estudio de Danza y Artes Del Movimiento Miralejos”.

Along with her teaching work, she delivers workshops on artistic deepening and therapy. She participates, collaborates and promotes stage creation processes, as a dancer, performer and choreographer, from the interpretation and the direction.

Roman Cuyer

Paraguayan, 30 years old, Public Accountant and Engineer in Agroindustries, specialist in Governance, Political Management and Public Management. Experience in the economic empowerment of youth, working on projects in rural and urban contexts with populations in vulnerable situations, currently, Manager of the Entrepreneurship area of the Foundation from where various projects are coordinated with components aimed at the formation of entrepreneurial skills, the development of enterprises and their strengthening, with special emphasis on the economic inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.

Mercedes Cosco

1995, Montevideo, Uruguay. Photographer, writer and audiovisual producer. After graduating with a degree in Audiovisual Communication in Montevideo, she began her studies in author photography in Barcelona. She then developed his first personal photographic project “How to live with things I cannot control”. After this project, she began her formal exploration of the intersection between photography and poetic writing, especially applied to personal narrative.

Screenwriter and director of nina & emma, a film that will be released in 2023. Co-author of the book Como gato entre lineas, an anthology of emerging Uruguayan writers.

Teacher of the Diario Intimo workshop, where daily life is worked as creative raw material for artistic channeling in writing and photography.

Jueves 26 de mayo


Desde uno de los auditorios icónicos del Uruguay, el Sodre, estaremos realizando un espectáculo de danza con las bailarinas Magdalena Cosco y Valentina Bidart, acompañado con la música de Luciano Supervielle.

Luego nos separaremos en grupos pequeños para conocernos mejor.

Luciano Supervielle



4D Lab



Sábado 28 de mayo


Te veo y me veo

Facilitan: Maria Paola Avilan Rey y Daniel Noriega

Circulo de humor y amor

Facilita: Manuela da Silveira Baliño

Resiliencia Colectiva

Facilita: Vladimir Marín Durán

Diseño inclusivo

Facilita:Tatiana Rigos Vera

Proyecto de vida y neurodiversidad

Facilita: Jimena Quintero Trillos


Facilitan: Miguel Cereceda Jolkiewsky y Verónica Linardi Massons

Taller de Arte

Facilitan: Ambar Wells, Magdalena Cosco, Sarah Gerosa.

Acompañan: Milena Ríos, Luis Gerosa, Carol Pérez

Proyecto de vida y neurodiversidad

Facilita: Jimena Quintero Trillos


Facilitan: Miguel Cereceda Jolkiewsky y Verónica Linardi Massons

Taller de Arte

Facilitan: Ambar Wells, Magdalena Cosco, Sarah Gerosa.

Acompañan: Milena Ríos, Luis Gerosa, Carol Pérez

Viernes 27 de mayo


Incluir la emoción

Facilita: Magela Grisoni

Reflejos del Barro

Facilita: Josefina Pezzino

Scribing como herramienta para vernos

Facilita: Andrea Fernández

Taller de Canto

Facilitan: Agustina Quagliotti y Pilar Etcheverry

Conexión y calma

Facilita: Tamara Farré

Comunicar desde la Esencia

Facilita: Eli Rabelo

Técnicas de tejido aplicadas a la bisutería

Facilita: Silvana Margarita Escobar Martínez

Conexión y calma

Facilita: Tamara Farré

Comunicar desde la Esencia

Facilita: Eli Rabelo

Técnicas de tejido aplicadas a la bisutería

Facilita: Silvana Margarita Escobar Martínez

Sábado 28 de mayo



Luciano Supervielle





Jueves 26 de mayo

Espacio de conversación: educación



Uni. de Málaga


Asdown Colombia



Ayudaron a construir este espacio:

Sábado 28 de mayo

Espacio de conversación: emprendedurismo



Org. Internacional del Trabajo


Fundación Saraki


Grupo Social Once

Ayudaron a construir este espacio:

Viernes 27 de mayo

Espacio de conversación: trabajo



Org. Internacional del Trabajo

Elizeche Almeida

Fundación Saraki


Grupo Social Once

Ayudaron a construir este espacio:

Viernes 27 de mayo

Hacia una Economía Inclusiva



4D Lab

Viola Deambrosis

4D Lab


Presencing Institute


CO Consulting - Coherencia Organizacional


Wellbeing Economy Alliance



Chavez Penillas



4D Lab

Viola Deambrosis

4D Lab


Presencing Institute


CO Consulting - Coherencia Organizacional


Wellbeing Economy Alliance



Chavez Penillas


Jueves 26 de mayo

Apertura – comenzamos el festival juntos y juntas

  • 18 a 20 URY– ARG – BRA
  • 17 a 19 – PRY – BOL –VEN – CHL
  • 16 a 18 – PER – ECU- COL – MEX
  • 15 a 17 – NIC – GTM – SLV
  • 22 a 24 – EU


4D Lab

Magda is 23 years old. She is in the fourth year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Contemporary Dance at the Faculty of Arts. She is the first Uruguayan university student with Down Syndrome. She has been dancing since she was 7 years old. She is a Zumba instructor.

Dancer in the play El Hilo Rojo of the National Ballet of SODRE and PRIMOR

An activist for the rights of women with disabilities, she has done commercials and modeled.

She works as an illustrator at 4D Lab.

Together with the dancer Valentina Bidart, they choreographed a video clip by the Uruguayan musician, Luciano Supervielle. This video was shown at a Gala performance by dancer Julio Bocca – VIDEO


4D Lab

Founding director of 4D Lab. Co-founder of ProEdu Inclusive Education in Quality and D Alliance that work for the inclusion of people with disabilities in education and in the working environment.

Co-coordinator of the Working Group on Inclusive Education and the Alliance of Organizations for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Member of the Regional Network for Inclusive Education and Inclusion International.

Co-president of Sistema B, Uruguay.

Member of the digital committee of IATEFL (2012-2020) and the online committee of IATEFL BESIG (2010-2020)

She gives national and international conferences.

Speaker at the TEDx event “Education Includes Us All“.


Presencing Institute 

Laura is a Social and Visual Anthropologist, Master in Mental Health for Social Sciences, with studies in Semiotics, Linguistics, Phenomenology and Epistemology. Specialist, trainer and international reference in different Systemic approaches for Human Development, with more than 30 years of experience

She works internationally as a Consultant and Facilitator of personal, organizational and social transformation processes, Coach, Teacher and Academic Researcher. She is part of the Strategic Team of the Presencing Institute (PI), founded and directed by Otto Sharmer (Mit Senior Lecturer), representing and disseminating the work of U Theory and Social Presence Theater (TPS) in Latin America (as a team leader), Spain and Germany.



Ana settled in her home country of Spain to be part of the WEAll team, after many years of travelling the world. During those years she worked on sustainable livelihood and ecological conservation projects from Nepal, New Zealand and Vancouver Island.

Previously, she worked as head of Exchange Programs at Centro Cultural de Idiomas.

Since the birth of WEAll in 2018, she has been the Network Coordinator and has managed to make more than 400 individuals and organizations part of it, which has gone from 1 WEAll Hub, that of Scotland, to 18 Hubs in different countries of the world, and that in the WEAll Citizens platform there are more than 3000 citizens from all over the world. It has not been only for their work but a combination of joint work of the amplifier equipment and all the people who are part of WEAll.


Cities CAN B

Architect, painter, co-creator of 4 companies and 4 social movements, former Executive Director of Sistema B Chile today co-leader of Ciudades+B and co-author of 6 books on collaborative ecosystems.


United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
He has been the Human Rights and Disability Advisor to the Geneva-based Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights since 2013. He is a lawyer with postgraduate studies in commercial law and human rights law. Prior to his current role, Facundo worked in the Disability Department of the Ombudsman’s Office of the City of Buenos Aires in Argentina and in a corporate law firm. He was a member of organizations of persons with disabilities at the national, regional and international levels before working for the United Nations.


Once Social Group

Responsible for International Programs of the ONCE Social Group since 2017, a position from which she exercises the Technical Secretariat of the Ibero-American Disability Program, as well as the coordination of technical assistance in disability policies for the EUROsociAL+ Program and the partnership strategy with international organizations, among other functions.

She has a degree in International Relations, a Degree in Communication Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Marketing from the University of the Republic (Uruguay). She holds a Specialization Diploma in Social Management and Disability Policies from FLACSO Chile and a Specialization Diploma in International Cooperation for Development from the AECID (Spain).

She had previously been Executive Director of the Latin American Union of the Blind, a regional organization representing the visually impaired in 19 countries.


University of Malaga

He holds a PhD in Pedagogy, Is a Full Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Education and M.I.D.E. of the University of Malaga and a member of the Research Group Theory of Education and Social Education of the UMA. Her lines of research are located in inclusive education, fundamentally in the social nature of disability, sociocultural disadvantage and exclusion processes. Understanding research as a form of activism, he uses ethnography to study the construction of identity and educational experience, and action research as a strategy to bring about transformations. He is a member and scientific advisor to entities in the defense of the Right to Education and has collaborated with different Universities in Latin America, and with Research Groups in Education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. He has been invited to give lectures in numerous countries in Europe, America and Asia.


Senior Disability Specialist, International Labour Organization
Since August 2013, Senior Disability Specialist in the International Labour Organization. Between 2008 and 2013, Executive Director of the International Disability Alliance between 1999 and 2004, Director of the European Disability Forum (EDF). Was actively involved in the negotiation process of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2002-2006).

Ronald Sistek

CO Consulting – Organizational Coherence
He is currently CEO of CO COnsulting – Organizational Coherence, is Director of Grupo 180 Grados, is a researcher on issues of collaboration, applied complexity and ecosocial regeneration; he is a professor at the Entrepreneurship Center of the Austral University of Chile and the Master’s Degree in Human Scale Development and Ecological Economics. He is Co-founder of the IncubaR program – Incubator of regenerative projects; founder of the program The Patterns that Connect – a training for the circularity between making sense and constructing meaning in contexts of uncertainty and complexity. He has been a consultant for 15 years in cultural transformation and bioinspired structures.

Mónica Alexandra Cortés Avilés

Asdown Colombia

Graduated in Languages from the Industrial University of Santander, she has been working since 2008 as executive director of Asdown Colombia, a Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to promoting the rights and inclusion in society of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

She is recognized as an expert on issues of inclusive education, recognition of legal capacity and empowerment of families and people with disabilities in Colombia.

She is a member and founder of the Regional Network for Inclusive Education in Latin America, Inclusion International and RIADIS, with whom she has carried out research, communication campaigns and documents on the best way to achieve education for all, including children and girls with disabilities nationally and internationally.

Luciano Supervielle

Luciano Supervielle is a Uruguayan-French musician, composer, producer and DJ. In addition to his work as a soloist, he is also known for being part of the neotango collective Bajofondo.
